Why SpectrumVoIP?
Unlimited Features
- One flat rate plan
- No additional charges
- No upfront fees
- All features the Stratus Platform offers
Platform & Tech Advantages
- Stratus Customer Portal renowned “Ease of Use”
- Rapid tech upgrades
- Future proof your business, no additional charge
Unlimited Experience
- Unlimited Training
- Professional Installation
- Unlimited Support
The simplest, most full-featured...small business phone solution available anywhere.
It's true plug-and-play, with no setup hassle and no down time.
And because it’s powered by AT&T and T-Mobile, it always works,
even if your Internet doesn’t.
Setup is Simple!
Your SpectrumVoIP | Anywhere kit is so simple to setup, if you can plug in a toaster… you’ve got this!
Because the phones connect wirelessly to the base station, no cabling is necessary.
Step 1. Call Us or Submit an Upgrade Request
We'll help you find your perfect business phone solution. After sign-up, we ship most orders the same day!
Step 2. Plug in the router and phones
Unbox and connect the base station to power. Then, plug in the phones anywhere in your office.
Step 3. You're done!
Now it's time to schedule your custom programming and training with one of our setup technicians. When you are happy, we will port your existing phone numbers.