Document Management
Capture, Extract and Classify Your Information
Keeping information on paper presents a number of challenges. As more documents build up, they can take up more and more space in your office. They can become harder to organize and take longer to find. Not only that, but you run a greater risk of unauthorized access to your documents, which can lead to compliance and legal issues.
Century Business Technologies has solutions to all of these problems. With document management, sometimes referred to as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), you will be able to switch from hard copies to digital files, making your information more cost-effective, accessible and secure simultaneously. Our solutions will effectively improve the storage, management and monitoring of your documents which relates to your business processes.

Advantages of Century’s Document Management Solutions
Effortless Digital Conversion
Paper documents are simply converted into digital information that can be shared, searched and managed easily.
Immediate Access to Information
Your staff will have immediate access to information from anywhere at any time from a centralized repository for all your business content, saving valuable time.
Powerful Search & Retrieval
Records are easily located using any combination of keywords, phrases, address and more with our flexible search tools.
Improved Team Collaboration
Web-based platforms allow increased collaboration with coworkers in or out of the office. This can include document routing and email notification.
Enhanced Document Security
Your records can be protected with security that controls access to information and also tracks which users have viewed or made changes to any document.
Reduced Storage Requirements
Eliminating paper-based filing systems will eliminate storage costs, enabling you to optimize your office space.
Enforced Regulatory Compliance
Manage your record retention policy to ensure your business is in compliance with government regulatory mandates.
Defined Business Processes
Develop automated workflows that define processes and notify users when required action or tracking activity is needed.
Disaster Recovery Planning
Securely protecting your digital records against theft, fire or natural disaster will enable your business to continue as usual.
Here are some of the most common Business Applications that can benefit your organization to increase efficiency:
- HR Automation
- A/P Automation
- A/R Management
- Contract Collaboration
- Compliance
Creating Smarter Solutions, Together.
To discuss how our managed services can help you put the pieces together, contact us!