Mobile Printing
Do You Want to Print from your Mobile Devices?
Technology is evolving rapidly, as are traditional methods of doing business. Per a recent study by the International Data Corporation (IDC), 75% of businesses consider mobile printing just as important as printing directly from a desktop.
Century Business Technologies has the resources to help clients create smarter solutions. Our mobile printing service gives you the ability to print securely from anywhere using your phone or other mobile devices.

Benefits of Century’s Mobile Printing Service
Print When You Need to Print
Print from your mobile device at work, school, and home or on the road. Cloud technology today allows you to print from both Android and iOS devices almost anywhere.
Eliminate technical hassles
Printing can be a challenge when users have different mobile platforms. Today workers, students, or staff can print from anywhere. With mobile printing, you can print your documents without having to install print drivers. You will also be able to track device usage allowing you to manage expenses while reducing security risks.
Powerful Document Security
We know the importance of keeping your sensitive information protected. Mobile printing gives you printing flexibility without compromising the security of your documents. You can take advantage of sophisticated data encryption and prevent unauthorized access to your files.
Creating Smarter Solutions, Together.
To discuss how our managed services can help you put the pieces together, contact us!