Is your workforce spread out across town or even across the nation, each sitting on their own couch or at their kitchen counter? Working at home can feel a little difficult to manage, especially with all the new security threats on the horizon--but the good news is that, with a few savvy cybersecurity tips, you can make the couch just as secure as the office.
Staying Safe
In 2020, we all learned to think about "safety" in brand-new ways--and that doesn't just go for our health. Cybersecurity threats unique to the pandemic have been sending shock waves through companies of all shapes and sizes, most of them already juggling the new pressures of working from home. The good news is that there are ways to help keep your company safe--and, yes, they can all be done from the couch.
Here are a few savvy tips for improving cybersecurity while working at home!
Tip #1: Try managed IT.
Managed IT has always been a great solution, but now it might be more important than ever. With your workforce scattered and a whole bunch of new machines, networks, and personal devices added into the mix, you've got a lot to handle--but managed IT can help you keep everything organized, efficient, and secure.
Tip #2: Encourage the use of a VPN.
Employees can use a VPN, or a virtual private network, at home. When you use a VPN, you've basically equipped yourself with a secret cybersecurity weapon; it will encrypt just about everything and make it safer to connect to public WiFi.
Tip #3: Look out for new threats.
As if the world didn't have enough trouble thanks to the pandemic, now the digital bad-guys are coming up with ways to use COVID-19 scams to con companies into giving up personal, financial, and sensitive information. Be extra vigilant about emails, links, websites, and apps!
Looking for more cybersecurity tips? Need help managing a remote workforce? Contact us today!