Efficient workflows can make the difference between a company that's succeeding and one that's falling steadily behind. Process inefficiencies that hinder productivity also eat up revenues, but there are ways to stop the madness.
Here are a few telltale signs that your print infrastructure is having a negative impact on your workflows:
It's common to think of a managed print services engagement as a solution for lowering costs, and it's true; some organizations see savings as high as 30%. But there's more to be gained from a managed print strategy than a lower print spend.
A managed print assessment reveals not only how much you're spending to print documents, but how well your print-related workflows are fueling productivity. In the scenarios mentioned above, a poorly designed print infrastructure is a source of productivity-draining inefficiencies. Consider these managed print solutions for each case:
Managed Print Services from Century Business Technologies can eliminate inefficient workflows across your organization. Contact us to find out more today.