Century Business Technologies Blog

Managed Print Services: Your Problems—Our Solutions | Century Business Technologies, Inc

Written by Admin | Sep 13, '17

Not paying attention to your print environment may be causing you more problems than you realize. Those hidden expenses can add up, and then there's the issue of security. Check out our round-up of challenges and the practical solutions provided by managed print services.

Problem #1: Hidden Costs

Are hidden costs driving up your print spend? A managed print services assessment can help uncover these costs.

  1. How many devices does your organization own?
  2. Who is authorized to replace imaging equipment?
  3. Who orders supplies and from where?
  4. Are there limits on who can print in color?
  5. Do you know your monthly print volumes?
  6. How much do you pay for outsourcing?
  7. Do employees print personal documents on your devices?
  8. Do you know how much you spend on document printing?

The Managed Print Services Solution

Ready to reduce your costs by as much as 30%? Managed print services have a host of solutions to make it a reality.

  • One monthly invoice for all print-related expenses.
  • Practical solutions to reduce print volumes and waste.
  • One contact for everything print-related.
  • Stop wasting money on consumables you don't need; MPS includes automatic replenishing based on need.
  • Access to industry-trained technicians who understand your print fleet.
  • A reorganized and streamlined fleet eliminates waste and improves workflows.

Problem #2: Document Security

Did you know that up to half of your employees have probably seen confidential information on documents that were abandoned in your print trays?

The Managed Print Services Solution

Managed print services can solve the problem of document security with solutions that deal with the issue directly on your devices.

  • Pull printing prevents documents from printing unless the user is present at the device to enter a passcode or swipe an ID card.
  • Hard drive encryption protects data stored on your devices.

To learn more ways managed print services can help your organization succeed, contact us at Century Business Technologies today!