Century Business Technologies Blog

Cybersecurity: The Basics and Beyond | Century Business Technologies, Inc

Written by Admin | Sep 25, '19

When you run a small to medium business (SMB), you know the critical importance of cybersecurity. But in the high-tech, web-driven world, it can be challenging to keep track of what all of the terms mean and the best defense mechanisms against intruders.

With that in mind, let's take a look at the basics of cybersecurity — what is it, what you need to know, and how you can protect yourself.

What is Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity involves protecting internet-connected systems like the hardware, software, and data, from cyberattacks. Protecting enterprises against unauthorized access includes cyber- and physical security. Information security — a subset of cybersecurity — is designed to uphold the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

In addition to infosec, cybersecurity includes a range of elements, including:

  • Application security
  • Network security
  • Backup/disaster recovery planning
  • Operational security
  • End-user education and protection

What it Protects

Cybersecurity prevents cyberattacks, such as data breaches and identity theft, and can assist in your organization's risk management. Your business needs a strong network security plan as well as a comprehensive incident response plan to protect yourself adequately from cyberattacks.

Types of Cybersecurity Threats

The process of keeping up with new technologies, security trends, and threat intelligence is a challenging task. However, it's necessary to protect information and other assets from cyber threats, which take many forms.

  • Malware: Any file or program used for harm, including worms, viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, etc.
  • Ransomware: A type of malware where a hacker uses encryption to lock a user out of their computer system or files, then demands payment (ransom) to decrypt and unlock the system.
  • Social Engineering: An attack that tricks people into breaking security protocols to gain access to sensitive, protected information.
  • Phishing: An attack that involved sending fraudulent emails that appear to be from legitimate sources; typically used to obtain sensitive info such as login credentials or financial data.

Now that you know the basics of cybersecurity, you are one step closer to protecting yourself from attacks. If you need help, contact us.