If you're like most senior-level business decision-makers, saving time and money tops your wish list for 2018. A robust document management solution is a must if you have any hope of more efficient business processes and faster product manufacturing in 2018. Here are a few of the leading advantages.
Are your employees wasting time each day just searching for information? Redirect that time to value-added projects by making document retrieval fast and easy. While paper-based systems and complex desktop file storage solutions can eat up hours of valuable time, document management makes files accessible in a few seconds with fast keyword searches.
End the print, copy, walk-to-the-next-desk madness and make document sharing simple. With features like scan-to-email, fax, folder, and cloud storage repositories, sharing information has never been faster or easier. No printing involved.
Are you paying to store documents in back rooms and off-site storage facilities? With a document management solution, you could be storing those documents in virtually no space at all.
If your computers were compromised or destroyed today, could you access your information? Document management protects your records from losses like fire, theft, flood, and other unforeseen disasters.
Cybercrime doesn't just happen to the big guys, and attacks on SMBs are on the rise. Document management provides multiple layers of security, including user authentications, data encryption and audit trails that work 24/7 to keep hackers away from your proprietary information.
Green initiatives are only as good as the tools you provide for your staff. Document management is the first step toward a truly paperless office.
To learn more ways our document management solutions can help you reach your goals in 2018, contact us at Century Business Technologies today!