Looking for all the smartest, fastest, and most efficient ways to implement document management? You've come to the right place! Here are a few best practices to keep in mind.
The key to successful document management can't be found in any single best practice. In fact, the very idea of best practices can be a little limiting--because when taken too far, that idea undermines the real power of document management: personalization.
The truth is that document management looks a little different for every single company. There's no "perfect" way to do things because what works well for you might not work well for another company, and vice versa. When you know this, you're ready to structure a document management system that's just right for you--not for everyone else.
That being said, best practices still have a place in document management. You just have to know how to personalize them to get the results you want.
Now that you know how to use best practices in document management let's take a look at some examples!
It's important to prioritize organization in your document management system. For example, when digitizing documents, don't just throw them into a single folder--take the time to create a structure with naming conventions, keywords, and more.
Remember, though, that organization should be personalized to fit your company's needs. Don't try to organize things in a way that doesn't feel natural, or you'll lose out on lots of benefits.
Documenting your processes may not seem like the best way to improve efficiency, but it's actually key to making document management an integral part of your company. After all, if only one person knows how to use the system, it's not really doing its job.
Just make sure you don't let the process document drag you down. Keep it brief but informative, and update it as you see necessary.
Document management is mostly internal, but it has plenty of benefits for your customers, too. It's important to let them know what to expect as you make changes or shift to faster, smarter processes.
Of course, this communication doesn't have to look any certain way. The only "rule" is that you communicate clearly and make sure your customers know that this change will only impact them positively.
In conclusion, document management is a highly personalized solution. That means best practices can feel limiting--unless you know how to use them, of course! The key is to take every suggestion and make it your own, fitting recommendations into your own workflows, solutions, and approaches.
To learn more about document management, contact us today!